Heilig by Mendelssohn – Learning Tracks


“Heilig” (Holy) by Mendelssohn, SSAATTBB double choir, Walton Music Corp., W2163 (Sing German)

The Learning Tracks for “Heilig” can be played or downloaded here. These are NOT the files that will be used in the 1st round auditions. (These tracks include the voice part.)

To download, right-click on the part name (for ex.: Soprano 1) and select “Save Link As.” (On some computers, you may need to access the audio file first by clicking on the part name, then right-click on play and select “Save Link As.”)


Soprano 1


Soprano 2


Alto 1


Alto 2


Tenor 1


Tenor 2


Bass 1


Bass 2


All Parts


Enunciation – by individual words


Enunciation – by sentences/phrases